Dear Black Community: We Need To Stop Fighting And Acknowledge Our Common Enemy

It’s high time we come together.

Joe Bee
6 min readMar 3, 2023

I’m white. It feels good to finally get that off my chest. Not only am I white, but I’m also a cisgender man. In the pantheon of history’s greatest monsters, I’m right up there with Hitler, Jeffrey Epstein, and Dick Cheney.

The difference is that I only share my skin color with those people. I was not around to tell my mother to procreate with a man of color to give my complexion a silky olive hue; through no fault of my own, I was born white, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

In the wake of the controversy surrounding “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams, it feels like the division between white and black America is wider than before the Civil Rights Act.

This essay is not in defense of Scott Adams. I disagree with what he said. I don’t think anyone should listen to a cartoonist’s views on race relations, especially when he criticized those who refused the Covid vaccine and switched his stance after dragging them through the mud.

But it seems fishy his views got him canceled immediately when members of other ethnicities are free to spout objectively racist rants toward whites.

