Fight Or Flight: Preparing Yourself For A Life Or Death Situation.

What would you do if your life was on the line?

Joe Bee
5 min readMar 1, 2023

I watched the film “Under Siege” last night, and while watching Steven Seagal slice through bad guys with a kitchen knife, I thought, “I could do that.”

The reality is a highly trained group of mercenaries would kill me first as I’m a doughy target with only a few years of childhood Taekwondo under my belt. These guys could probably exterminate me with a spoon to save themselves the cost of a bullet to my brain.

After that, I watched the 2006 film “Poseidon,” I thought I would probably be one of the few that survived an overturned cruise ship using only my cunning.

Upon further rumination, I again realized that I would have been one of the extras who drowned the second the rogue wave hit the ship. I had to get honest, so I thought of a few scenarios where my life could be on the line and how I would react.

Taken Hostage By Somali Pirates

Ideally, I would anticipate their boarding my ship and position myself in the crow’s nest with a high-powered rifle. I’d pick them off one by one, and then when a few of them did board the ship, I’d take care of the rest of them with my fists.

